Hooks & Filters

Action hooks

Want to attach your own actions to be performed in WP MapIt? You can use the below hooks

Executed after the WP MapIt data is saved.
Post Id of the post being saved will be passed as a parameter.

do_action(‘wp_mapit_custom_field_’ . $type)
Create your own custom field type to be displayed in the metabox for WP MapIt
$type will be the new field type to be created.
Post Id, field information and value of the field will be passed as parameters.


Want to change the pre-defined settings of WP MapIt? Use its filters to accomplish that.

Exclude all the post types from settings for which map should not be displayed.
Array of excluded post types will be passed as a parameter.

apply_filters ( ‘wp_mapit_exclude_save_fields’)
Exclude all the field types that should not be saved to the database.
Array of excluded fields will be passed as a parameter.

Need more functionality? Write to me at
php.webdeveloper.me [@] gmail.com